Welcome to my blog! My name is Theresa Beach and God has laid it on my heart to teach young girls to be "keepers".
Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I have lived in South Carolina all of my life. I grew up as a preacher's kid, the youngest of four and the only girl. I met my husband Jeff when I started Christian school in the sixth grade. In 1990, I completed my degree in Home Economics at Bob Jones University, got married, moved, and joined the same Baptist church that I currently attend. For the next four years, I taught private piano and Home Economics at our church's Christian day school. In 1994, I had my first baby and have been a stay-at-home mom ever since. I now have three children, ages 21, 17, and 14.
PC: Angela Craft Photography
This blog will be something between taking a Home Ec class, going to Sunday School, reading a magazine, and having a heart to heart with Mom. I am not trying to compete with big name bloggers but just trying to whisper godliness into the hearts of young women. If I post a video, you may see dirty dishes in the background or a set of unmanicured nails. This blog is designed to be a glimpse into the life of a real homemaker. You will be a fly (or should I say a "Be") on my wall. (Well, actually if there were a bee on my wall, I would scream and go berserk.) I'm also constantly changing strategies, so I will likely improve on the things I teach you and come back later telling you how to do it better than I taught you before. Life is a journey and I am willing for you to learn from my successes AND my failures. Be Keepers will be a very practical, down to earth view of how this lady does things. I hope that I will be just one place that you look for wisdom.
I do not pretend to have it all figured out. All I can teach is what I've learned. I will be like a general practitioner: someone with a little knowledge about a lot of topics, but not an expert on any one thing. I simply want to whet your appetite about many areas and you can further study whatever interests you. I majored in Home Economics partly because I wanted to know how to do well the things that I would definitely be doing all my life. I have put several years of prayer and preparation into beginning this project and believe it to be the calling of God on my life. Everything that has happened in my life adds up to doing THIS. I've been a young girl like you and now I'm a grown woman with childrenโI've been where you are and I am where many of you are going. My job is to encourage you in the ways of the Lord and to equip you to please God by being all the blessing you can be to those to whom you will minister during your lifetime.
I hope you learn a lot about yourself, God's design for your life, and the endless possibilities in allowing Him to work through you.
Let's get started!